

    Issue 2

    May 2021 - April 2022

    Andrew Kaplowitz, Ashley Cook, Chris McGraw, Chloe Sells, Daisy, EXT EST, Joshey, Joshua Kochis, Juan Diego Covarrubias, Katarina Dačić, Kellen MacGregor, Kurtis Greene, Leonie Hagen, Marissa Jezak, Matthew Copeland, Mary Kate and Ashley, Mary Kate Huffman, MJ Slide, Nolan Simon, Palm Treat, Paris La Don, Rey Hinojosa, Sara Barron, Scott Potis, Shantasy Island, Stephanie Kang, Theresa Ndrejaj, Walter Lucken IV, Weather Citizen

    8.5" x 11"




    Table of Contents

    A Conversation on Cultural Theory and Complexity During a Pandemic Between Palm Treat and an Anymous Media Theorist
    by Palm Treat

    Upside-down Demeter
    by Daisy

    A Long Letter to Some Night Travelers
    by Walter Lucken IV

    by Ashley Cook

    by Ashley Cook

    Future City
    by Leonie Hagen

    Sense of Sirens
    by MJ Slide

    Post-War Youth
    by Chris McGraw

    Re: The Senders
    by MJ Slide

    Three Sisters of Mercy
    by Walter Lucken IV

    You Could Be Anywhere! Johnny Campolo at JEFF'S
    by Ashley Cook

    George Rush at Belle Isle Viewing Room
    by Ashley Cook

    IMPRESSED: LaKela Brown at Reyes | Finn
    by Kurtis Greene

    Job Search Mantra
    by Joshua Kochis

    System Crash
    by Rey Kinojosa

    water-lily: Reflections on Illness and Identity
    by Marissa Jezak

    Reality Frame Rate
    by EXT EST

    The Ant Endures
    by Matthew Copeland

    by Sara Barron

    Bottega Veneta Salon 03 Detroit
    by Mary Kate and Ashley

    Unsettling: "Being Human" and Living in Hell
    by Andrew Kaplowitz and Paris La Don

    The French Boys: A Film by Genevieve Kuzak
    by Ashley Cook

    The Beast
    by Juan Diego Covarrubias

    From Fordism to Detroitism
    by Katarina Dačić

    Polymorphously Perverse
    by Weather Citizen

    Astrology 2022. Quarter One
    by Theresa Njrejaj

    Weird Kid: One of One
    by Ashley Cook

    Truth Emerging from her Well to Conduct an Interview
    by Kellen MacGregor

    by Ashley Cook

    Miami Recap: Detroit Representations
    by Nolan Simon, edited by Rachel Pontious

    Operation Get Down
    by Walter Lucken IV

    SI - Long Play
    by Shantasy Island

    Things Unwind
    by Joshey

    by Ashley Cook

    THREE BETRAYALS: Catalina Ouyang at No Place Gallery
    by Stephanie Kang

    A Story of Trees
    by Leonie Hagen

    It'll Be Easy When the Sun is Here
    by Scott Potis

    Astrology 2022. Quarter Two
    by Theresa Njrejaj

    by Ashley Cook

    What if We Kissed Under a Collapsing Star
    by Chloe Sells