• reviews    interviews    premieres

  • Daisies.OliverShaw.SoundAndVision
  • A review of Věra Chytilová’s film Daisies, presented as part of the ongoing column SOUND and VISION...

    Oliver Shaw

    September 16, 2024

  • SoundAndVision.MorvernCallar.OliverShaw
  • SOUND AND VISION: He’s Gone - Musical Reflection in Lynne Ramsay’s Morvern Callar
  • Lynne Ramsay’s work is not for the faint of heart. She’s only made four films in almost twenty five years, but I’ve yet to encounter a filmmaker who demonstrates the notion “quality, not quantity” more awesomely than Lynne Ramsay. I love all her films, and all for different reasons. But none of them (few films at all, really) come close to Morvern Callar...

    Oliver Shaw

    May 20, 2024

  • It Follows
  • When David Robert Mitchell’s It Follows premiered in 2014, I was in awe of how simultaneously timeless and timely the film was. There was a marked jump in collective screen time after 2013, the start of many more people having access to everything (the internet, each other) all the time (smartphones) — the start of time collapsing in on itself just as it does in the film...

    Lisa John Rogers

    March 11, 2024

  • TheSoundOfStone.MaroKariya
  • The Sound of Stone
  • Microtones is pleased to announce its first full length release from Maro Kariya, aka Otodojo. The Sound of Stone was inspired by freezing landscapes coupled with Kariya's feeling of dread from dystopian visions of war and a warming climate...

    Maro Kariya

    January 31, 2024

  • SOUNDandVISION.Tangerine.OliverShaw
  • SOUND AND VISION: Merry Fucking Christmas -The Insistance of Visibility in Sean Baker's Tangerine
  • When Ashley and I decided to put together this column, films started flooding my thoughts. I have hundreds of favorite films. Seriously. Tangerine is just one. But, Tangerine embodies the spirit of this series better than most. This is Sound and Vision, so I had to pick something with the most explosive of aesthetics...

    Oliver Shaw

    December 25, 2023

  • WhiteBoyDay.WalterLuckenIV
  • White Boy Day
  • As I sit down to make sense of True Romance and how it works its way through how I understand myself in relation to the city I’m transported in time to my uncle’s white van on I-94 in the pitch blackness of the early evening, working our way back to “Midtown”/”Cass Corridor” from an off the books scrap job in the suburbs...

    Walter Lucken IV

    December 22, 2023

  • DetroitIsForLovers.DarianHillaker
  • Detroit is for Lovers
  • Scrolling Time Magazine’s list of “The 100 Best Movies of the Past 10 Decades,” one would not think to find auteur Jim Jarmusch’s night-dwelling vampire romance Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) amongst the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Greta Gerwig, set to represent the 2010s...

    Darian Hillaker

    December 11, 2023

  • TheArmedHousePartyVideoShoot
  • August 2 was a hot night in Detroit and on E. Boston Boulevard, a bunch of people moshed at a mansion owned by a young musician named Brian McGuire. The Armed were in town to shoot a music video before setting out on tour...

    Maddie Boyer and Ashley Cook

    August 9, 2023

  • Working Girls: An Interview with Lizzie Borden
  • When Lizzie Borden made Working Girls, she wasn’t intending to directly comment on her own experience. Instead, like any filmmaker with true heart, she was telling a story she felt needed to be told. I’m a huge fan of everything she’s done before and since, but as I told Lizzie (as you are about to read), Working Girls is the standout...

    Oliver Shaw

    July 31, 2023

  • Dancing in Space: An Essay on Isamu Noguchi, the architect of Hart Plaza, and his Relationship to Dance
  • Noguchi designed many playgrounds, civic spaces, and sets for performance throughout his career; through these designs he hoped to activate ritualistic interaction that would channel the unconscious elements of our existence...

    Sarah Cohen

    July 6, 2023

  • ChameleonStreet.OliverShaw
  • Chameleon Street
  • Wendell B. Harris Jr.’s Chameleon Street is the ultimate example of a hidden gem. After a long overdue national tour last year (including a screening and Q&A with writer/director/star Wendell B. Harris at the city’s own Cinema Detroit), the film is finally reaching an audience Hollywood hoped it would never find...

    Oliver Shaw

    March 27, 2023

  • emoswingset.wetdogg
  • emo swingset
  • wetdogg releases their first music video emo swingset which was shot on Coney Island NYC by Tara Shafa....

    wet dogg

    November 11, 2022

  • OVA
  • Runner Magazine is proud to host the official music video premiere of OVA, the newest single by JNN APRL. The filming took place at The Orange Room on October 21, 2021 and involved a team of Detroit locals including Zapon, Sidd Finch, Collin Preston, Patrick Ethen, Intent, Phebe Rose, Weednerdscool, and Owlmom 247...


    August 15, 2022

  • madeofants.Runner2022
  • madeofants
  • Today, Daniel Sharp, also known as madeofants, releases his EP Lost & Found. With this music, Sharp also presents a video for the song “cyberhellravedungeonfunruncore (Marshall Applewhite’s Kids Today Get Distracted Easily Mix)” that was made in collaboration with Joel Dunn....

    Ashley Cook

    January 24, 2022

  • WeirdKid.OneOfOne,RUNNER2022
  • Weird Kid: One of One
  • One of One is a perfect example of Loyke’s approach to making work and the interweaving that he continues to use to underscore the various facets of his practice. The video was shot by Jay Hendricks, edited by Lokye with the song produced by G $wank. It was filmed at Public Pool with his most recent exhibition acting as the backdrop while also participating as the main focus of the video.

    Video Premiere

    Ashley Cook

    January 10, 2022

  • PolymorphouslyPerverse.WeatherCitizen,
  • Polymorphously Perverse
  • Through the lens of play-count-maximizing production, music appears thoroughly mapped. Known rhythms, well-worn sample packs, and enculturated structures denote genres – purportedly-useful fictions that serve to both limit the scope of possible production and inhibit the consumption of anything but recapitulations of what we already know...

    Video premiere

    Weather Citizen

    December 27, 2021

  • Lullaby.SaraBarron
  • Lullaby
  • Film Premiere

    Lullaby explores the relationship between solitude and spirituality while portraying the blurred lines between dreams and reality and how they bleed together to construct our perceptions, especially during a time when the days seemed to melt together. Shot by local director, LANSUH, at Dabls Mbad African Bead Museum and features electronic artist KESSWA as the goddess character. Scored by Sara Barron and was mixed and mastered by Ben Collins (Anna Burch, Stef Chura).

    Sara Barron

    November 15, 2021

  • Lokye.Neverland
  • LOKYE - NEVERLAND music video by DJKAGE
  • “Going nowhere fast” isn’t what you always think it is. Going somewhere slow is so much worse. Within about a three block radius surrounding Granny’s Chandelier, the gallery Lokye operates, there are a few who go nowhere fast - and it sometimes feels close to nirvana...

    City Taxes

    September 21, 2020