• SUNDAY MARCH 16 2025 17:30:27

    reviews    interviews    premieres

  • Daisies.OliverShaw.SoundAndVision
  • A review of Věra Chytilová’s film Daisies, presented as part of the ongoing column SOUND and VISION...

    Oliver Shaw

    September 16, 2024

  • SoundAndVision.MorvernCallar.OliverShaw
  • SOUND AND VISION: He’s Gone - Musical Reflection in Lynne Ramsay’s Morvern Callar
  • Lynne Ramsay’s work is not for the faint of heart. She’s only made four films in almost twenty five years, but I’ve yet to encounter a filmmaker who demonstrates the notion “quality, not quantity” more awesomely than Lynne Ramsay. I love all her films, and all for different reasons. But none of them (few films at all, really) come close to Morvern Callar...

    Oliver Shaw

    May 20, 2024

  • It Follows
  • When David Robert Mitchell’s It Follows premiered in 2014, I was in awe of how simultaneously timeless and timely the film was. There was a marked jump in collective screen time after 2013, the start of many more people having access to everything (the internet, each other) all the time (smartphones) — the start of time collapsing in on itself just as it does in the film...

    Lisa John Rogers

    March 11, 2024

  • SOUNDandVISION.Tangerine.OliverShaw
  • SOUND AND VISION: Merry Fucking Christmas -The Insistance of Visibility in Sean Baker's Tangerine
  • When Ashley and I decided to put together this column, films started flooding my thoughts. I have hundreds of favorite films. Seriously. Tangerine is just one. But, Tangerine embodies the spirit of this series better than most. This is Sound and Vision, so I had to pick something with the most explosive of aesthetics...

    Oliver Shaw

    December 25, 2023

  • WhiteBoyDay.WalterLuckenIV
  • White Boy Day
  • As I sit down to make sense of True Romance and how it works its way through how I understand myself in relation to the city I’m transported in time to my uncle’s white van on I-94 in the pitch blackness of the early evening, working our way back to “Midtown”/”Cass Corridor” from an off the books scrap job in the suburbs...

    Walter Lucken IV

    December 22, 2023

  • DetroitIsForLovers.DarianHillaker
  • Detroit is for Lovers
  • Scrolling Time Magazine’s list of “The 100 Best Movies of the Past 10 Decades,” one would not think to find auteur Jim Jarmusch’s night-dwelling vampire romance Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) amongst the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Greta Gerwig, set to represent the 2010s...

    Darian Hillaker

    December 11, 2023

  • ChameleonStreet.OliverShaw
  • Chameleon Street
  • Wendell B. Harris Jr.’s Chameleon Street is the ultimate example of a hidden gem. After a long overdue national tour last year (including a screening and Q&A with writer/director/star Wendell B. Harris at the city’s own Cinema Detroit), the film is finally reaching an audience Hollywood hoped it would never find...

    Oliver Shaw

    March 27, 2023