Streets of Cruelty and Sweet Pastries


    April 20, 2024



    Looking north from Gratiot Ave
    An airborne perspective of tragedy
    Here an accident. A scream
    It is not a subject that people are particularly interested in
    Narcissistic men
    Dominate the pavement from where they stand
    Their middle ages distend them like a vast dream
    Boys and girls glance at each other as they pass
    An irresistible lure in laughter
    Both are from corny California no doubt
    It doesn’t matter if you say what you say in two ways or one way
    Like a crash, rough language and no patience
    Approach and spit on the pavement
    Streets full of cruelty and screams
    To alleviate its ridiculous immensity
    Of madness
    Portrayed by a function of our own density
    As endless steps around the incident
    But while all this is going on
    A solemn face of a homeless man as he asks for breakfast
    Smiles at his wife
    A sweet pastry changes hands
    A few words make a longer hush
    Our hands touch each other, and a name
    A name is exchanged



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